Friday, April 22, 2011

The rowan tree

The microscopic rowan tree has surprised me by suddenly producing lots of flowers - four trusses so far - so maybe we'll see some berries this year! It always amazes me how the tiniest rowans seem to be able to carry the weight of great bunches of berries. The idea of the rowan tree was partly to provide bird-food, so this is good. Talking of bird-food, must go and re-fill the seed feeders, the sudden spate of greenfinches this morning has finished the last of the seed off!

Salad veg has germinated in the greenhouse, but still waiting for the sweet peas. They always seem to take for ever!

The mole is excavating a great swathe across the lawn. If Matthew has his way, its days are numbered, but I am holding firm to the belief that it has a right to live in our garden, even if its activities are seriously inconvenient! Does anyone know how long moles live? This is the second spring we've had this one. And since next door's excavations for their new garage, our garden is now pretty much landlocked, so it's unlikely to be able to dig its way out to somewhere else - I think we're stuck with it for its natural lifespan...

A whole lot of sparrows have just appeared - don't get many of them, so it's always nice when they appear. The pair of bullfinches have been around a lot over the last week or so, such handsome birds. All we need now is a hedgehog, and we'd have a right little nature reserve here!

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