Saturday, May 1, 2010

We have asparagus!

I went away from Monday morning to Wednesday afternoon (doing creative stuff with Val in Dorset) and in the time I was away, not only did all 21 broad bean plants germinate, but on inspecting the raised beds I discovered the first spears of asparagus! Cue much rejoicing, especially from Matthew. As of this morning, 9 of the 12 crowns have sprouted, which is pretty amazing as they'd only been in just over a week. Keeping Matthew from harvesting them could be more of a challenge...

All three baby trees now in leaf, the quince is looking especially attractive. I acquired a handsome Euphorbia while in Dorset, along with a cowslip from Val, and both are going into the bank as soon as a) it stops raining and b) my back starts behaving a bit better. The up-side of the rain, of course, is that I don't need to water every day! The salad leaves are doing well in their pots - it won't be long now before we are eating our first home-grown salad of the season. Very little evidence of slugs in this garden so far, which is a welcome change from the last garden which was infested with them. A few in the composter, which is to be expected, but the chard has been left alone, as have the salad leaves in pots.

Peas and dwarf beans are growing well in their pots in the utility room, and will be ready to go out soon - the peas to the raised beds, and the beans to large pots on the patio. Everything else will take a while yet...

1 comment:

  1. I was very impressed with the raised beds when I visited you on the 14th. This is definitely the way to go. After having to walk all over my plot this morning to plant out beetroot and beans, and failing to keep on top of the weeds or avoid slug/snail damage, I'm determined that any new garden we get when we retire next year, will have some raised beds.
