Saturday, January 23, 2010

Exciting new stuff delivered!

Very exciting - yesterday a very heavy-laden courier arrived with my four raised bed kits, which are now in the garage pending Matthew helping to make them up. And today, the doorbell heralded the arrival of yet more treasures - a box of plants from J Parkers and a big parcel of seeds from Kings Seeds!

The plants were a bit of a self-indulgence - all ornamental, three dogwoods with lovely red stems for the back corner of the garden (a bit of winter colour), three ornamental grasses for pots for the patio, a honeysuckle to grow up the arbour (it flowers at a different time from the rose), and two little pieris plants (I already have a bigger one) again for pots. I spent a very therapeutic afternoon (especially as it was sunny and dry, and not too cold - a miracle!) potting up all the new arrivals - some only temporarily until I get round to digging holes for them. The pieris need ericaceous compost as it is lime intolerant, so while I had the compost bag open I also potted on the lovely camelia that Val gave me, which has doubled in size since we moved here 3 months ago, and is full of plump buds, as the poor thing has been toppling over because its pot was too small. It is now looking wonderful in a lovely blue glazed pot, which sets off its dark, glossy leaves beautifully. The crimson flowers will look good against it too, when they appear - which won't be too much longer, by the look of the buds!

This evening I have worked out a sowing calendar, from February to July - things like lettuce are pencilled in several times to ensure a continuous supply. Goodness knows what Matthew is going to make of all the pots and seed trays on the window sills - he complained enough last year with just a few! Maybe next year I might think about investing in a little grow house - can't justify a greenhouse, but that would be a compromise.

This is going to be fun!!!

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